Thanksgiving Vacation Day 1

I’m on vacation for the Thanksgiving holiday, and decided to spend some time learning about generative AI in Photoshop. If you work long enough refining what the AI prompt first generates, you can eventually produce some really specific and fairly impressive results.

I asked it to give me “classic holiday cartoon scene, thanksgiving vacation, mad scientist lab”, mostly just to have something to start with that might spark an idea. It returned three things, including this:

I thought it would be fun to turn this into a thanksgiving scene where a robot doctor, an alien, and a monster all share an apartment and are having Thanksgiving dinner. I did the refinement using only the various selection tools and the text prompts of the generative fill, adding and removing things to clean the image up and tweak it into something coherent. The end result took several hours, but is quite close to what I originally had in mind.

Can you create actual art with this technology? If I ask a machine to give me a picture of a cat and it gives me a picture of a cat, what it gives me might not be art. But work on anything for as long as I worked on this, and the end result is something new, regardless of the tools used in its production. I had a visual idea and used these tools to create it. That’s fair game.